This book helps to experience the world’s finest tea. The Tea Book guides you through the best ways to choose, prepare and taste the many different varieties of tea available around the world, with everything you need to know to bring the fragrance and allure of the tea shop into your home. The essential companion for all tea aficionados, this detailed tea book features over one hundred international tea recipes, including chai tea, matcha, the increasingly popular bubble tea, and herbal tisanes such as Yerba Mate. Tasting notes help you to identify key characteristics, so that you can tell your green tea from your pu’er. With information on growing and harvest seasons, and maps of the most important tea-producing regions. This practical, fully illustrated guide is perfect for tea lovers.

Sayfa Sayısı: 224

Baskı Yılı: 2015

Dili: İngilizce
Yayınevi: Dorling Kindersley Publisher

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The Tea Book

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